demand for, not in order after voice vote
result announced   72 (3)
governor's or state superintendent's nomination for
appointment   22 (2)
journal entry of   72 (1)
loitering, visiting at podium, prohibited during roll call   8 (3)
main question, motion   77 (3)
member arriving late, may have question stated   73 (2)
members not to leave seats nor be disturbed
during calling of   8 (3)
membership presently serving, majority required
for quorum   15, 39
presiding officer may order on any vote   72 (1)
proposal's relating clause to be entered in journal   32
quorum is of membership presently serving   15, 39
rules (senate):
repealing, creating, or amending (majority of
membership presently serving)   90
suspending (two-thirds of members present)   91
voice vote (definition)   99 (94)
when demanded by one-sixth of members,
art. IV-20, Wis. Con.   72 (1)
Beverages, not to be consumed in senate chamber   8 (4)
Bill (definition)   99 (7)
Bill or resolution:
amendment, consideration of, in order only upon
2nd reading   47 (1)
amendment, legislative reference bureau
prepares, exception   49
amendment, reengrossed if amended on 3rd reading   40
coauthors, cosponsors not to be changed while
sitting in session   17 (5)
confidentiality of bills pending referral   46 (2)(a)
copies to be available one day before action   34 (1)
corrections of minor clerical errors in, by chief clerk   31 (1)
date of hearing on, to be entered in history file   30 (3)(a)
day bill presented to governor recorded in journal   43
distributed at least one day before action   34 (1)
division of question, motion for, not permitted when
purpose can be accomplished by amendment   70
division of partial veto   70 (2), (3)
enabling or enacting clause lacking, inserted
by chief clerk   31 (2)
engrossing   37 (3), 40
engrossing and enrolling supervised by
chief clerk   5 (2)(b), 43
enrolled bill, journal records date presented
to governor   43
enrolling, performed by legislative reference bureau   43
errors in, chief clerk authorized to correct minor   31 (1)
filing of proposals   30
copies must be in jacket envelope   29
jacket envelopes not to be filed if folded or rolled   30 (1)
notations in history file by chief clerk   30 (2), (3)
handwritten changes prohibited in copies prepared
by legislative reference bureau   33 (1)
hearings required   18 (1m)
identical with one already rejected not allowed,
exceptions   33 (2)
introduction of   17 (1)(c), 33 (1), 45, 46
jacket envelope   30 (1)
to contain all amendments regardless of action   27 (5)
journal, references to by number, relating clause   32
jurisdiction over, while in committee   25 (2)
legislative reference bureau prepares all proposals
for introduction   33 (1)
messaging delayed for reconsideration period   42 (1)
messaging immediately under suspension of rules   42
offering of resolutions   33 (1), 45
orders of business   17
position of on calendar, when reconsideration
motion pending   38 (2)
presentation of   44m, 46 (1)
privileged resolutions   69
considered immediately   45
joint, messaged immediately   42
readings, 3 separate   35
amendments considered only on 2nd reading   47 (1)
committee on senate organization builds 2nd reading
calendar   18 (1)
committee reference on first reading   36
constitutional amendments, required on joint
resolutions for   35
ordering to 3rd reading   18 (5), 37 (1)
third reading   38
two readings on same day prohibited   35
reconsideration period, messaging delayed for   42 (1)
reengrossed, if amended on 3rd reading   40
reference to committee:
by president   36 (1)
chief clerk advises president   46 (2)(a)
made on first reading of proposal   36
simultaneous reference to joint survey committee   36 (2)(c)
rereference generally, when in order   41 (1)
rereference of administrative rule   46 (2)(b)
rereference of bill or resolution   46 (2)(c)
signed by president and attested by chief
clerk after enrolling   44
simultaneous reference to joint survey committee   36 (2)(c)
special session, see Special session
withdrawing from committee   41 (1)(a)
Bulletin of proceedings, preparation,
also Joint Rules 76 to 78   22 (2)
Business, see also Order of business:
for quorum on passage of "fiscal bills",
Joint Rule 11 (2)
in committees, proceedings   25 (1)
orders of   17 (1)
other business while under call   85 (3)
quorum, is of the membership presently
serving required   15, 39